Returns Policy


You may return or exchange any product within 30 days, as long as the item is in resalable condition and is returned in its original packaging. You will be responsible for the original and return shipping charges. This also applies to orders cancelled during transit. If your original purchase price includes shipping, please contact us to confirm the original shipping cost. A refund, credit or replacement will be issued after we have received the package and confirm the item is in a resalable condition. Returns will not be accepted if you contact us after 30 days of receiving the item.


The item needs to be returned. We will pay for return shipping costs. The item will then be replaced or a full refund or credit provided, including the shipping cost. Please contact us ASAP if you would like to make a claim.


Please contact us prior to any installation to make a claim. We will not negotiate on damaged items after items are installed. 

WHAT can be returned?

All our products are returnable.

WHEN do items need to be returned by?

Within 30 days of receipt. Returns will not be accepted if you contact us after 30 days of receiving the item.

WHERE do items need to be returned to?

8/143-145 Canterbury Rd, Kilsyth, VIC 3137

Between hours:

Monday - Friday, 9:30am - 4:00pm.

Items need to be returned in original packaging.


If the product is damaged during installation or the vehicle is damaged as a result of incorrect installation, we are not responsible and will not issue a refund or credit.
When you have received your package, please inspect your product for any manufacturer defects or shipping damage prior to installation. If you notice any damages or defects, please contact us ASAP.
Before sending any returns or exchanges, please contact our customer service representatives via email Please include your order number, a specific description of damage/problem, photographs, and a clear explanation of your reason. If the return is authorised, you will receive an email with return instructions. All emails will be replied to within 24 business hours.